“Chandrayaan-3’s Vikram Lander Scheduled To Make Soft Landing at 6.04pm Tomorrow”


Chandrayaan-3 Live Update : Just in! The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has some exciting news to share. Tomorrow, at 6:04 PM, an historic landing is set to take place on the moon. In anticipation of this momentous event, ISRO has announced that they will be hosting a live telecast of the landing process, starting at 5:20 PM in the evening. They’ve also shared the link for the live streaming, which you can find on ISRO’s official website.

New Delhi, August 20 (ANI) : The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has officially announced the landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon, scheduled for Sunday, August 23, 2023. In the midst of all this, the Chandrayaan-3 lander module, named Vikram and the rover Pragyan, are meticulously preparing for a successful landing by completing all the necessary maneuvers and debuting processes around the moon’s terrain.


According to ISRO, on Monday, a two-way communication link was established between the Chandrayaan-3 lander module and the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter (the second version of India’s lunar mission launched in 2019). “Welcome, friend!” Ch-2 orbiter formally welcomed Ch-3 LM. A two-way dialogue is now established between the two. There are more pathways for MOX to reach LM now,” ISRO noted in their statement.

While Chandrayaan-2’s lander faced difficulties in successfully descending to the moon’s surface and lost communication after reaching an altitude of 2.1 kilometers in September 2019, this time ISRO is aiming for a precise landing with Chandrayaan-3.

Meanwhile, a senior scientist from ISRO stated to the news agency ANI on Monday that “if any unfavorable factors arise, we might postpone the lunar module’s landing until August 27th.”

As India’s space projects continue to push the envelope of exploration and discovery, exciting days are ahead!

The Chandrayaan-3 Objectives :

Beyond its predecessor’s aspirations, Chandrayaan-3 seeks to advance our knowledge of the Moon’s surface, composition, and geology. The mission will carry on ISRO’s tradition of scientific breakthrough and technological innovation.

Chandrayaan-3 components :

The lander module Vikram and the rover Pragyan make up the core of Chandrayaan-3. Together, these parts cruise the lunar surface and gather priceless information and pictures.

Attraction and Interaction Plan :

Landing on the moon is one of the main obstacles of lunar exploration. The landing approach of Chandrayaan-3 has been carefully planned by ISRO to guarantee a precise and successful landing. Additionally, communication is essential. Data transfer between the lunar surface and Earth will be made possible by the establishment of a communication link between Chandrayaan-3 and the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter.

The lessons learned From Chandrayaan-2 :

The knowledge gathered from the Chandrayaan-2 mission is expanded upon by Chandrayaan-3. Although the lander on Chandrayaan-2 encountered challenges during its descent, ISRO has used these lessons learned to improve the landing module’s performance on Chandrayaan-3.

World Wide Effect :

The Chandrayaan missions have not only brought great pride to the country but have also made a substantial contribution to science worldwide. Scientists are able to better understand the Moon’s past and its place in the solar system’s evolution thanks to the data gathered from these missions.

Public Outreach and Engagement :

The public has always been captivated by ISRO’s missions. With Chandrayaan-3, ISRO is able to keep scientists, space enthusiasts, and students interested and motivated. Live broadcasts of significant occasions, such as the momentous lunar landing, provide people a chance to see how this enormous project is coming together.

Forward Gazing :

Excitement is in the air as the countdown to Chandrayaan-3’s launch approaches. This mission is a symbol of India’s unwavering commitment to furthering human understanding and exploring the universe. The success of Rocket 3 means Vikram is evidence of ISRO’s dedication to quality and creativity in space research.

The world will be watching Chandrayaan-3’s voyage with bated breath in the upcoming months, curious to see what new discoveries and horizons lie ahead of us on the lunar surface. Our journey towards the center of the cosmos promises to be an amazing one thanks to ISRO’s undying spirit of exploration.

India’s third lunar mission can be streamed live from 5:27pm on August 23 at :

• ISRO website: Click here or search- https://isro.gov.in

• ISRO official YouTube channel: Click here or search- https://youtube.com/watch?v=DLA_64yz8Ss

• ISRO official Facebook channel: Click here or search- https://facebook.com/ISRO

• DD National TV

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